Pause | Eupora, Mississippi Child Photographer

It's that craziness again... the crazy that I mentioned in my last post.  And apparently I say it a LOT.  Sadie is staying with Momma this weekend while we shoot a wedding and Momma sent me a text earlier:Sadie: My Momma's crazy!!MeMaw:  Sadie, don't say that.Sadie:  Well, SHE says she is.:-)Yep, it's probably true.  My clients, sessions, weddings, etc... all HUGE blessings in my life.  And I'm working late nights and early mornings trying to get editing done.  But every now and then I pause for a moment.  I sit outside.  I push Sadie (and Alex) in the swing and I ride on the back of Alex's cyco cycle (yes, THAT was a picture!)  Sometimes, we have to pause the crazy.  Yesterday:

This picture is even more funny, because we all know that Sadie isn't THIS serious.  :)

My little man is not so little anymore...

Superstar in training:

Still a silly goose...

And all this time that we're outside, Savannah {my new TEENager} is in the house setting up the new laptop that she got with her birthday money...  I swear it was only yesterday that she was this little baby I was holding at my MSU graduation.I'm so thankful that pictures can create that little pause for us in the crazy, busy lives that we live.   I'm sure one day, I'll be sharing pics of Alex's graduation and wondering where that little boy went...  the one that was playing on Sadie's tricycle in the front yard.